Siting Your Business

What special site considerations exist for your business? If you think about the process for choosing a location for your company, you’ll quickly realise that it’s far from straightforward.

I’m in the process of transferring a large number of my own staff from their base just on the outskirts of the capital to their new home closer to the heart of the major road network. It has not been easy choosing the best place for them. The choice has been further complicated by my decision to close another of my offices just outside another city 40 miles away and move everyone in together.

The new building will house 200 or more staff once they’ve all moved in, but there’s a lot of work to be done before this can happen.

I’ll be using this project as a case study, which I’ll post here on this site. Hopefully some of you will find it of interest and perhaps even gain some insights that you can apply to your own businesses.

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